The rising sun at the top of the Shield stands for Power. On the left corner is enshrined the Portico of the Old College buildings with its classical pillars. On the right corner is the ever burning torch of knowledge. The Lotus-sacred symbol of Hinduism-occupies the rest of the Shield. Below is the oft quoted maxim “MENS AGITAT MOLEM” (Mind Moves Matter).
Golden yellow with a tinge of red in the rays.
White in a background of light green.
Flame in a bright scarlet, handle in rich golden yellow, the rays in pleasing red, the lettering
In white-the background in grey.
Petals scarlet, water opal blue with streaks of greenish blue, leave pleasing rich green-the whole in a background of silver white.
In rich black.
Lettering in white on a background of pleasing green with violet or black bordering.